
138-Human Design Gate Themes and Expressions for January 2025: Sun/Earth Transit Report

Welcome to 2025!

We are a few days in, and so far so good!

As you may know, each month Hali and I like digging into the Sun transit gates for that month. I have learned a lot about the gates and their energies as we explored these themes in 2024.

We are publishing this episode on a Sunday (normally publish on Tuesdays), because our first transit for the month happens today, and we took a small break during the holidays, so we thought we would just jump right back in!

This year we have also decided to add a new twist to the transit updates by adding in the Earth transit as well. Why?

Well, as we discuss in this episode, The Sun and Earth gates move as fixed opposites on the Human Design mandala. In the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd explains that these fixed placements are known as programming partners. In his words programming partners are:

“Two Gene Keys that are holographically bonded together through opposition — in other words, they are exact mirror opposites. There are 32 such programming partners within the genetic matrix, and each creates a biofeedback loop that reinforces the themes of those Gene Keys at every level of frequency. At the Shadow frequency, the programming partners create physical, emotional and mental patterns and complexes that mutually reinforce each other. As awareness penetrates these patterns and transforms them, they release waves of creative energy at the Gift frequency, which in turn are mutually reinforced, leading to a continual raising of one’s evolutionary frequency. At the Siddhic frequency, the programming partners no longer oppose each other but dawn as pure consciousness, creating a harmonic so pure that it deletes their difference.”

This episode covers:

  • Sun in Gate 54 (Ambition), Earth in Gate 53 (Beginnings)

  • Sun in Gate 61 (Mystery), Earth in Gate 62 (Details)

  • Sun in Gate 60 (Limitation), Earth in Gate 56 (Stimulation)

  • Sun in Gate 41 (Contraction), Earth in Gate 31 (Influence)

  • Sun in Gate 19 (Wanting), Earth in Gate 33 (Privacy).

I am still new to examining these programming partners, so I hope you will indulge us as we explore these themes in relation to each other.

Even though we have covered Sun transits in the past, I find it interesting to keep revisiting them because we are all always deepening in our understanding of these themes and concepts as we continue to explore them and live our own design experiments.

One reason I am excited to now have the podcast home on Substack is our ability to have conversations around these episodes. I would love to know in the comments, do you have a birthday in January? Are any of these gates your Sun gate? What is your experience with this energy?

Any other questions about this episode are also welcome!