March’s Transits Are A Masterclass in Patience—Are You Ready?
March is always a big month in the Hive—not just because it’s Hali’s birthday month (which we must celebrate 🎉), but because the cosmic energy in this quarter of Initiation tends to bring us straight into a mental and emotional deep dive. And this year? Oh, it’s a big one.
If you’ve been feeling like your mind is extra busy, questioning everything, trying to find certainty, and maybe even overanalyzing things to exhaustion, then you’re feeling the early March transits loud and clear.
With the Sun in Gate 63 (Doubt) and Earth in Gate 64 (Confusion), we’re all under the influence of mental pressure to find clarity. But clarity doesn’t come from force. It comes from letting things unfold in their own time.
And if you thought that was enough of a lesson, March says, hold my tea.
Because after the questioning of those Head center gates, we drop straight into the emotional waters of the Solar Plexus. The Sun moves into Gate 22 (Openness), then Gate 36 (Crisis), and suddenly—we’re feeling everything. These gates are here to teach us emotional mastery, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It means learning to sit with discomfort without jumping to conclusions. It means riding the wave instead of trying to control it.
But it all leads somewhere. By the end of the month, the transits shift from processing to powerful self-trust. The Sun lands in Gate 21 (Control) and Earth in Gate 48 (Depth), and we’re met with one final question:
→ Do you trust yourself enough to step into what you already know?
This is the energetic arc of March. Questioning, processing, refining, trusting.
So as we move through the month, notice what’s coming up for you. Notice the thoughts, the emotions, the resistance, the clarity. Notice where you’re being invited to trust yourself more.
And if you want to explore this together, join our next community call on March 26th at 7:00 PM EST! We’ll be talking about how these energies have been showing up, and what’s coming next. Make sure your subscribed to get all the details!
How are you feeling about these transits? Let’s talk in the comments.
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